Atlas Insurance

AXA PPP International awarded Queen’s Award for Enterprise

AXA PPP International has recently been awarded a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category for the second time. Each year, The Queen’s Award for Enterprise recognises businesses excellence in the categories of Innovation, International Trade and Sustainable Development. This year, AXA PPP International is proud to have been selected again, after receiving an award in 2011.

The International Trade Award recognizes the company’s efforts in growing their individual, SME and corporate customer base as well as supporting and caring for members in over 140 countries. AXA PPP International has continued to demonstrate strong growth in both established and emerging markets across the world.

When coupled with AXA PPP healthcare’s 75 plus years of specialist global healthcare experience, the resulting synergies worldwide are of tremendous benefit to members.

The AXA PPP brand also continues to go from strength to strength, in fact, in 2015 the company maintained its position as the number one global insurance brand, as ranked by Interbrand.

AXA PPP healthcare is represented in Malta by Atlas Healthcare Insurance Agency Ltd, and celebrated its 15th anniversary with Atlas in 2015.